A Loved-up Wintery Family Shoot | Hobart Lifestyle Photographer

I met Elle and Sam for the first time at our shoot, several weeks ago. However I felt like I knew Elle already. We had been in regular email contact for roughly two months prior. Hobart born but now Melbourne dwelling, these two lovebirds were flying home for a family get together and decided to take the opportunity to have some photos with their adorable daughters, Ivy and Billie. Elle was super organized and efficient, snapping up two new outfits for everyone within days of receiving my style guide and Pinterest links.

When the day of our shoot came around, it was a grey looking wintery day. However, the showers passed through, and left us with beautiful moody skies and a few rays of golden sunshine to bask in. We spent a lovely couple of hours together, everyone was relaxed and ready to bring the love and go with the flow. Elle and Sam danced, played and sung with their little ones (albeit a football anthem hey Sam). We fed the birds and watched the moon rise. Enjoy a sample of the beautiful moments we captured below.


The Lover’s Shoot


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