The Unraveled Academy and Where it All Began

It must seem a little strange to some that I would begin a new career at this stage in life. Whereas I spent years aspiring to get in to medical school, photography was something that just happened along the way. Not to say that it was without effort, but that I followed my heart and it led me here.

It all began when I was expecting my second son. I was unhappy for much of my pregnancy (thankfully that had no impact on my delightful Rupert who is now three and as happy and resilient as they come). For the first two trimesters I distracted myself from my antenatal depression with medical studies. In the third and final trimester I bought a camera. A user friendly entry level canon DSLR. I’ve always loved to study and I threw myself into learning my camera. From the very first click I decided I would shoot in manual. And so I had to learn.

Along the way I joined the Unraveled Academy, at the time a novel concept, a newly formed online photography school. They proudly declared that there was a seat at the table for everyone, from beginners up. I fell in love with some of the images I was seeing by these incredible creatures called “lifestyle photographers”. It was family photography but oh my the images were transcendent, magical and ethereal. I wondered how. And then I learnt how. Unraveled has been a big part of my journey and I’m grateful for the beautiful souls I have met along the way through this wonderful community.

Ive spent many many hours obsessing over this craft of mine. Learning how to capture beautiful light, curating my client closet, scouting unique locations and setting up my studio. A small handful of these hours were spent obtaining the below certificates. (And if I don’t share them here what was the point of downloading them in the first place).


The Pandemic Pregnancy


My Unposed Session with Emma & Sam